Couple Find Massive Fossilized Megalodon Tooth In South Carolina
A couple that was walking in South Carolina came across a fossilized megalodon tooth that was sitting in a river bed.
The tooth that they found is believed to be around 3 to 5 million years old.
Jessica Rose-Standafer Owens and her husband Simon Chandley Owens were walking along the bed of the Stono River, which is located in Charleston, when the made the discovery.
The couple spotted the grey mass jutting out of the muddy riverbed and said that it resembled exactly like a shark tooth.
Well, it turned out to be right.
During a video that was filmed for TikTok, Jessica said:
If it’s a tooth, it’s going to be like the biggest one we have ever found.
As she brushed the back of the dirt, it really did turn up that the thing they found belonged to a megalodon shark.
The tooth that they found is at around 5.75 inches long.
The funny part about this one is that that is just one tooth of the megalodon shark, which has around over 100 teeth.
Jessica shared the video Facebook, where it went viral.
The Mace Brown Museum of Natural History at the College of Charleston released a statement about the incident.
The statement said:
That’s a great meg find – finds like that are why Charleston is known as the megalodon capital of the world! Well done, we can tell you were excited! As for an age, it’s likely weathered out of the Goose Creek Limestone, so Pliocene in age (~3-5 million years old).
The megalodon shark was once the largest shark that ever lived on this planet.
Archeologists say that they were capable of growing up to 60 feet in length, which is 3 times the size of the great white shark.