Cuddle With Your Pet Dogs: This Is How Your Children Can Earn During Lockdown
Since all schools have sent their pupils to study and do school activities from their houses due to the coronavirus pandemic, a number of opportunities have opened up for them.
There is now an opportunity for your children to earn money as they get to test bean bags with their pet dogs.
The entire process is extremely easy to understand.
All your kids have to do is lie around and relax with their pet dog on bean bags that are made especially for pet pooches.
The Great Bean Bags, a company that makes bean bags for dogs and their owners, are recruiting to take part in their beanbag tester and quality assurance specialists.
This has to be the best job for your kid, considering the fact that everyone is staying home right now.
According to the job advertisement on their official website, the pair will be earning £50 for each review, as well as a heap of doggy treats.
If the money that they are offering is not enough, the company is also handing out a matching official reviewer uniform that can be worn by your kid and your pet dog.
Patrick Tonks, a creative director at the Great Bean Bags, said, “We know our beanbags are great, but we need a second opinion from someone that is completely unbiased. Children are brutally honest and dogs know what is comfy and what isn’t, so they are the perfect match.”
Tonks added, “We specifically want duos that can work together well, whose favourite thing to do is cuddle up and relax! This is a great opportunity and we are really excited to have a pair on board who can help us to make the best products we can. It’s also a pretty cool job to have as the first on your CV!”
If you want to apply for the job, follow the steps below.
First, you want to send a picture of your kid and your pet pooch that will show that they are a good team.
After that, you want to explain why you are the most qualified person for the job and why you think your pooch is the best for the job.
Remember, you want to add your name, age, location, and the name of your pet dog to
The deadline for applications is on May 31, 2020.
Send your emails now and who knows, you might get selected!