Emaciated Elephant That Was Forced To Parade The Streets Of Sri Lanka For A Religious Festival Has Passed Away
Tikiri, the 70-year-old elephant that was dressed up and was forced to march the streets of Sri Lanka, has passed away.
Earlier this year, Tikiri made the headlines after shocking images showed her emaciated body.
Save Elephant Foundation, an animal rights charity, shared the shocking photographs of Tikiri walking on the streets of Sri Lanka.
Tikiri was one of the many elephants that were forced to march for days for a Buddhist Festival in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
People were outraged after pictures of Tikiri that showed her emaciated body was shared on Facebook.
Photos also showed her collapsed on the ground after the festival.
Lek Chailert, the founder of the Save Elephant Foundation, shared the pictures on Social Media.
He said, “Tikiri joins in the parade early every evening until late at night every night for 10 consecutive nights, amidst the noise, the fireworks, and smoke. She walks many kilometres every night so that people will feel blessed during the ceremony. No one sees her bony body or her weakened condition, because of her costume.”
Tikiri was sent home after people criticized the organizers of the event.
But now, the Save Elephant Foundation announced that Tikiri had passed away.
The foundation shared the news on a Facebook post and said, “The sad news is just out tonight that Tikiri passed away this evening. There is both sorrow and relief here. To think of her brings such pain to my heart. That hard service was her life, and not freedom, carries for me a commitment to others who yet suffer. That we could not help her before her eyes would shut forever fosters a renewed courage, and bears a responsibility for us to find safe refuges for all of the captive Giants born under the yoke of Man.”
The post added, “What we wished for Tikiri, even a few days of freedom with love and care, we will demand for others. The day that I met Tikiri, her eyes locked with mine, telling me all that I needed to know. Her own fear and anger and sorrow is now part of that longer memory of her kind which should bear us no affection.”
Also Read: Malnourished Elephant Forced To Parade During Esala Parehera Festival In Sri Lanka
The post continued, “Tikiri’s suffering has ended, her soul is now free. No more harm can come to her. RIP dear Tikiri. Never look back to this world so cruel toward you and your friends.”
Rest in peace Tikiri.