Pet Owner Who Refused To Feed 3 Emaciated And Parasite-Infested Dogs Ordered To Do 240 Hours Of Community Service
26-year-old Tammy-Ley Chong was sentenced to serve 240 hours of community services after the RSPCA inspectors found 3 emaciated and parasite-infested dogs at her home in Mareeba, north of Cairns, earlier this year.
According to the Mareeba Magistrates Court, Tammy refused the offer of a pet inspector who was willing to give free food for Rooster, Horse, and Moose, her 3 pet dogs.
Tammy reportedly told the officer that she would get the feed by herself on the same day.
The first inspection was done in January 2019.
But in June 2019, when the inspectors returned to her home to see if her dogs are doing well, the dogs were still underweight, were tied on short chains, did not have proper shelter, and had flea-infested wounds.
In January earlier this year, Tammy was ordered to provide water, shelter, and food to her dogs.
After the conditions of the dogs deteriorated, the 3 dogs of Tammy were seized by the officers.
The police officer who helped in seizing the dogs was really shocked by the condition of the dogs.
Rooster, one of the pet dogs, had a wound and had burst abscess on his face.
Tammy said things are really hard for her right now because her partner is in jail.
The health condition of the 3 dogs improved under the care of the RSPCA.