Pitbull Named Tonka Is Adopted By Family After Spending Over 215 Days In Shelter
A pitbull named Tonka is viral on social media right now after they have been adopted by a kind family.
Tonka, the pitbull, found his forever home after breaking the record at the Orange County Animal Services’ longest shelter stay.
Just in time for the holidays.
The shelter describes the dog as affectionate, loving, and energetic.
On November 21, 2020, the adoption of Tonka was announced to the public through a post on Facebook.
The Orange County Animal Services (OCAS) released a statement about the adoption of Facebook.
The statement reads:
After 216 days in a shelter this year, we are hopeful this boy will never have to leave the comfort of home again.
The dog was abandoned in its previous owner’s backyard.
The dog was brought into the animal shelter in April of this year.
The OCAS contacted the previous guardian of the dog and they explained why they had to leave the dog.
The family said that recently moved and were struggling to find a forever home for the dog.
The owner surrendered the dog to the OCAS.
Tonka was adopted 2 times during his 7-month stay at the animal shelter, however, the dog was returned twice.
Diane Summers, the manager for OCAS, released a statement about the pitbull.
The statement said:
Tonka is a handsome boy, who can definitely turn on the charm. We’ve struggled to find that lasting match for him because he has shown that he needs to be the only dog in the home, a factor that drastically limits the pool of interested adopters, and he has heartworm disease, a treatable condition, but one that can come with a stigma due to lack of understanding.
Such an amazing story.
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