Sea Turns Red As 250 Whales And 35 Dolphins Slaughtered In Barbaric Annual Ritual In Faroe Islands
Horrible images that are viral on social media right now show the sea turning red as over 250 whales got slaughtered in an annual ritual that is held in the Faroe Islands.
Grindadrap, the annual tradition, this year led to the deaths of 252 pilot whales and 35 dolphins.
The controversial annual ritual has been done for the past 1,000 years.
Sea Shepherd, a non-profit organization, said 252 pilot whales and 35 dolphins had been killed earlier this week in Hvalba after the huge pod was found off Sandvik.
Premier Grind de l’année aux Îles Féroé : 252 globicéphales et 35 dauphins à flancs blancs ont été massacrés…
Posted by Sea Shepherd France on Thursday, 16 July 2020
The organization also released a statement about the incident, where it said:
252 long finned pilot whales and 35 Atlantic white sided dolphins were killed in Hvalba last night after the huge pod was found off Sandvik. This is the first organised Grindadràp hunt of 2020 with the meat from the hunt distributed first to the approximately 70 hunt participants from the boats and those killing on the beach – and then the remainder to villages on Suðuroy with all recipients then free to sell their share of the meat if they so wish.
The organization also shared images of the horrible haunt, where hunters could be seen standing in the waters, butchering the poor creatures.
On average, 1500 dolphins are massacred each year in the Faroe Islands.
The sad part about this is that the hunters are doing everything in a legal way.
Hunters in the islands have hunting licenses and are allowed to brutally murder the innocent animals as they wish.
Environmental charity ORCA released a statement about the incident, where they said:
To the beautiful family of pilot whales that were brutally murdered in the Danish #FaroeIslands, we are so deeply sorry… We will keep fighting to end this insane blood sport. RIP beautiful family… Please Boycott the Faroe Islands!
To the beautiful family of pilot whales that were brutally murdered in the Danish #FaroeIslands, we are so deeply sorry… We will keep fighting to end this insane blood sport. RIP beautiful family…
Please Boycott the Faroe Islands! #GrindStop #Denmark #StopKillingWhales pic.twitter.com/XCn7yzHCTv
— ORCA (@OceanicRescue) July 17, 2020
The traditional whale hunt in the islands has been followed since the Norsemen settled there over 1,000 years ago.
During the slaughter time, no whale or dolphins are spared.
Pregnant mothers and even weaning babies are killed by the heartless hunters.