World’s Loudest Bird: The White Bellbird Doesn’t Even Sound Like A Bird
The sound of birds singing is something that most of us love, it helps a lot of people feel relaxed and to be honest, it does sound like a song. But that’s not the case with the white bellbird, as a matter of fact, the sounds that they make are unpleasant.
The White Bellbird, which is known also known as the “World’s Loudest Bird”, is found in the Guianas, Brazil, and some parts of Venezuela.
The sounds it makes are unpleasant and can shock you. The white bellbird is capable of making noises such as mating calls, crying sounds, and a fire alarm.
This bird is so loud that its voice can reach up to 127 decibels, which is almost the same as a sound that is transmitted during a concert.
Male white bellbirds emit loud calls when females are perched right next to them.
At some point, their sounds can get so loud that they can become deafening that females fly away.
Females can tolerate loud calls so they can find potential mates, but they do not stay long enough as they fear to damage their hearing.
Well, looks like birds get rejected for a bad voice too!
Researchers have studied the white bellbirds for some time now.
At first, researchers wanted to know how white bellbirds are capable of making such loud calls, and they were pretty amazed by the fact that they were so loud.
White bellbirds gulp in the air before they start singing, they inflate their throats and open their breaks widely. This allows them to make such loud noises.
The white bellbird is mostly found in jungles, and they are pretty much the only ones who can make sounds as they do.
So if you ever see one and they start to make noises, make sure you run away, you don’t want to be its potential mate…
Jokes aside, congratulations to the White Bellbird, they have officially achieved the title of “World’s Loudest Bird.”