Grandfather Express: Grandfather Buys Bus So He Can Take His 10 Grandchildren To School Everyday

A grandfather from Gladstone, Oregon, wanted to spend more time with his grandchildren, so he bought a bus in order to take his grandchildren to school every single day.

Doug Hayes, the grandfather, said they do something big for Christmas.

Doug said, “Every year, we make a big deal and every week coming into Christmas, advent, every week we give them a gift.”

This year’s gift was so big was that it couldn’t fit under a tree.

Doug presented the gift to his grandchildren.

The grandchildren were surprised by the surprise, I mean who wouldn’t.

The grandfather bought a bus so he can drive his grandchildren to school every morning.

Doug said, “I thought, ‘gee whiz, maybe there’s some way that I can give them a memory that will last all their life.”

The grandchildren of Doug go to a small Christian school, which doesn’t have school buses, in Gladstone.

The family drives the kids every day so they can go to school.

After seeing the bus coming, the kids were pretty excited.

One grandkid said, “It was a big surprise.”

Christian Hayes, a grandson of Doug, said, “I was really stunned. I never expected him to buy a bus.”

Doug named the bus as the “Grandfather Express”.

The kids cannot wait to hop on board for their first school bus ride to school next year in January.

Christian believes his friends will be stunned after they see them in the “Grandfather Express”.

Doug hopes his unique gift will create good memories that they will never forget.

Looks like someone is about to win the grandfather of the year award!

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