Man shares a video of himself using a flamethrower to start up his barbecue and says ‘Can’t spell awesome without Me!’
Aaron Hinds, who lives in Launceston, Tasmania, shared a video of himself of using a flamethrower to start up his bbq on Facebook with the caption of ‘Can’t spell awesome without Me!’
Can't spell awesome without Me!
Posted by Aaron Hinds on Saturday, 11 May 2019
The video has gone viral on Facebook and has gathered funny and bad reactions. Many called Aaron as a legend and others called him an Idiot.
And as a reply to all the hate he received, Aaron Hinds said, “I know science and checked relief valve.”
But one group was not happy with what he did, and they are the firefighters.
During an interview, John Farrer, the supervisor of the Fire and Safety Australia Training said, “Over the years I’ve seen too many incidents that could be avoided and that’s purely with common sense. They just need to take a step back, think about what they’re doing, and take their time.”
He added, “The simple process would be doing a leak test with soapy water around the connections, and if there are any air bubbles or anything, you need to fix it before you light the barbecue.”
So basically, what Aaron Hinds was really dangerous and if you tend to do it, you could cause a disaster.
Dr. Heather Cleland, the Director of the Adult Burns Service at the Alfred Hospital said, “When that happens, people can become enveloped in flames and their clothes can catch fire, and they can suffer very significant life-changing or life-ending injury.”
So basically, don’t do stupid stuff and keep yourself safe.