Tunisia Bans Full-Face Coverings In Public Institutions After Suicide Bombings In Tunis

Citizens of Tunisia and visitors are now prohibited from wearing full-face coverings, also known as the niqab, in public institutions. The move comes after the twin suicide bombings in Tunis, the capital of the country.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Youssef Chahed signed an order that will ban anyone from wearing full-face coverings in public offices.

An official said, “Chahed signed a government decree that bars any person with an undisclosed face from access to public headquarters, administrations, institutions for security reasons.”

The rule will be followed by the citizens of the country and anyone who is visiting Tunisia.

Last month, suicide bombers targeted Tunis, the capital of Tunisia, and targeted the security forces.

The twin suicide bombings in Tunisia killed two people and injured 7 people.

The president of the country was seen in a hospital after the bomb attacks.

Reports suggest that the suicide bombers used “Niqab” to disguise themselves.

A number of witnesses said that one of the suicide bombers was wearing a niqab.

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