5-Year-Old Boy Gang-Raped By Group Of Kids On A Remote Beach In Australia
A 5-year-old boy was left with traumatizing injuries after being gang-raped by a group of children.
The incident reportedly happened on a remote beach in Australia.
The 5-year-old boy was left with horrible injuries, which is why he had to be airlifted to the Cairns Hospital, which is 500 miles away from the beach.
Reports say that the boy had excruciating pain after the incident.
The incident reportedly happened on July 1, 2020, at the Napranum in Queensland, Australia.
A spokesperson for the Queensland Police released a statement about the incident where they said:
There are big arguments about how this happened. It is creating big problems in the town. It is not the first time something like this has happened.
The police said that 3 boys aged 10 and 13 years old are behind the horrible attack.