Supermarket Adopts All The Humboldt Penguins At Chester Zoo During Coronavirus Crisis

Supermarket Adopts All The Humboldt Penguins At Chester Zoo During Coronavirus Crisis

After it went viral on social media that the Chester Zoo is having a hard time taking care of their animals at the zoo, Iceland, the supermarket, has announced that they will be adopting all…

Wild Penguins Freely Roam Empty Roads Of Cape Town During Coronavirus Lockdown

Wild Penguins Freely Roam Empty Roads Of Cape Town During Coronavirus Lockdown

Because of the coronavirus lockdown, things have been extremely wild all over the world, and that includes South Africa. Things have been extremely calm these days as residents of each area are staying inside their…

Penguins Openly Explore Chicago Aquarium When It Was Closed Due To Coronavirus Outbreak

Penguins Openly Explore Chicago Aquarium When It Was Closed Due To Coronavirus Outbreak

As people all over the world are facing community quarantine, zoos and aquariums are also doing the same so they could prevent the coronavirus from spreading. Wellington, a 30-year-old rockhopper penguin, took advantage of this…
