Google Promises To Do More In Protecting Your Voice Data
Google was on fire after a lot of media reports said that its contractors started to listen to the audio records that were captured by the virtual assistant.
Google is now saying it wants to do more in protecting your voice data and said they want to be more transparent.
According to Google, they want you to know how your data is used and why.”
On September 23, 2019, Google, a tech giant, published a blog post that states it will do more to protect your privacy when you’re using the voice assistant.
The Google Voice Assistant is available on smartphones and Google Home Speakers.
In the blog, Google said, “Recently we’ve heard concerns about our process in which language experts can listen to and transcribe audio data from the Google Assistant to help improve speech technology for different languages.”
Google said they won’t be storing your audio data by default.
The blog said, “By default, we don’t retain your audio recordings. This has been the case, and will remain unchanged.”
Google also said they have launched an investigation about the claims.
Google is currently on its way to releasing an opt-in privacy model, where users can review their settings and confirm their preferences.
Google also said they want to reduce the amount of voice information they store by the end of 2019.