Brazil Politician Stuffs £4,500 Inside His Underpants During Anti-Corruption Raid
A key ally of the president of Brazil was arrested by the authorities after an anti-corruption raid was carried out in their house.
It is said that the authorities found banknotes in the underpants that he was wearing.
The authorities found 10,000 reais (£1,380) and £4,650 inside a safe in Senator Chico Rodrigues’ house during a search, confirmed the authorities.
He then asked the authorities if he could go to the bathroom.
An officer that was at the scene noticed a large rectangular bulge under the senator’s shorts as he was walking away.
In his underwear, the authorities found a total of £2,000.
Near his buttocks, stacks of money that totaled £2,000 were discovered.
When asked further about more money than he had, the senator brought out more.
The senator shoved his hand into his underwear so he could retrieve more stacks. A total of £2,500 was then discovered.
Further search in the house led the authorities to discover £35.
Rodrigues is the deputy leader in the senate. He is a key ally of Jair Bolsonaro, the current leader of Brazil.
He was suspended by the authorities for the corruption money that he was found with.