Family Realizes Pet Dog Is A Bear After It Started To Walk Around On Its Legs
A family in though their pet dog was a Tibetan Mastiff, a breed that is capable of growing really big, and was shocked when they realized that it was a bear after it started to walk around on its legs.
This is not the first time that confusions like these have happened in China.
Days after this news broke out, a woman in China found out that that the puppy she bought from a Chinese pet store turned out to be a fox.
Another pet owner said the same.
2-years-ago, Su Yun, a woman from the Kunming in the Yunnan Province of China, decided to buy a puppy while she was on a vacation.
Su Yun thought the dog was a Tibetan Mastiff and brought the animal to her house.
From the first day, Su Yun and her family members were impressed by the massive appetite of their dog.
Su Yun said the pet “dog” chowed down a box of fruit and 2 buckets of noodles per day.
But once their pet reached 250 pounds and started walking around on its legs, they realized that it was not a dog.
Their pet dog turned out to be an Asiatic Black Bear who looked like a Tibetan Mastiff.
The family of Yun was shocked and were afraid after they found out that it was a bear.
The family said they are not capable of caring for a large creature.
The family decided to give their pet to the Yunnan Wildlife Rescue Center.
The pet will receive proper care from wildlife professionals at the Yunnan Wildlife Rescue Center.