Italian Priest With Coronavirus Dies After Sacrificing Ventilator To Save Stranger
A 72-year-old heroic priest from Bergamo, Italy, has died after giving his ventilator so he could save a stranger.
Don Giuseppe Berardelli, a 72-year-old archpriest, died on the evening of March 15, 2020, after being hospitalized for health problems that had worsened in recent days.
The priest was an archpriest at the parish of San Giovanni Battista in the village of Casnigo, Italy.
The parish had purchased a respirator just for Don Giuseppe, who had become infected by the coronavirus.
This was Don Giuseppe Berardelli.
Don Giuseppe was a priest who loved smiles and motorcycles. When he got infected, he let someone else use his respiratory unit. He died of #COVIDー19.
You may not believe in a god, but believe in this man's kindness and sacrifice. #StayAtHome pic.twitter.com/JrstirBJOC
— Laura Ingallinella (@lauraingalli) March 23, 2020
The kind priest chose to give it up so that it might help a younger person to survive instead.
As reported by Araberara, an Italian Publication, Don Giuseppe was known for his activism, amazing smile, great kindness, and helpfulness towards everyone.
Giuseppe Imberti, the mayor of Casnigo, said, “He was a simple, straightforward person, with a great kindness and helpfulness towards everyone, believers and non-believers. His greeting was ‘peace and good’.”
He added, “Always friendly and available to the public administration, associations and not only those of the parish, he participated in all the events without ever being intrusive.”
He continued, “He was loved by everyone, his former parishioners still came from Fiorano after years to find him. But he also had an incredible ability to solve economic problems, to knock on the right doors for help.”
Clara Poli, the former mayor of Fiorano, got the news about the death of the priest and recalled her memories of the beloved priest.
This priest, Suffering from the coronavirus, gave up his ventilator to give to a younger patient and has died. His name was Don Giuseppe Berardelli. He was 72 years old, from Bergamo. pic.twitter.com/3N1ONtxFjO
— John Stone (@Johnthemadmonk) March 23, 2020
In a statement that Poli release, she said: “I remember him on his old Guzzi motorbike, he loved his motorbike, and when he was seen passing by he was always cheerful and full of enthusiasm, he gave peace and joy to our communities.”
She added, “He does not leave us alone, from up there he watches over us and continues to run through the clouds with his motorcycle, who knows how many projects he is doing up there, also for us.”
Born in Fonteno on August 21, 1947, the priest was ordained on June 30, 1973.
He was appointed as the archpriest of Casnigo in 2006.
Despite having suffered health problems, the priest fought everything with his usual smile.
There will be no funeral for the priest, however, the people of Caserta will be looking out of their balconies and will be applauding.
Due to the coronavirus, 30 priests have died in Italy due to coronavirus.