Kind Cincinnati Police Officers Buy Basketball Equipment For Neighborhood Kids
Melkita Hill, a Cincinnati, USA, resident, was at a basketball court in College Hill with her 3 sons and their friends when 2 police officers came to check on the group.
The 2 police officers, who belong to the Cincinnati Police Department, were checking in on the group when they noticed that the ring they were playing on needed a new net.
With this, the officers went to Walmart and ended up buying a basketball ring net and a basketball as well
Melkita Hill, a Cincinnati resident, was at a basketball court in College Hill with her three sons and their friends…
Posted by Enquirer – Cincinnati and Kentucky on Thursday, 16 July 2020
The officers, who did not want to be identified, went back and helped the kids get the equipment to become useful.
16-year-old Mikell Wynn said an officer stood up under the ring and allowed them to use his shoulder as a ladder when they placed the net on the ring.
Talking about the kind act that the officers did, Melkita Hill said:
I wanted my people to see. My family members and my friends to see – everybody don’t have to look at police, you know, in that way. Because there’s some good ones out here that do care about us as mothers, fathers, our children and being safe. So I just appreciate that with what’s was going on now, and how so much stuff going on in the world.
After this, the mother of the kids said she wanted to do special for the officers.
She ended up making them gift baskets and dropped them off at the station.
She added:
All don’t have hate in them this police went out his way to go buy a net for my son to put up and used his Shoulders to help my son put the net up so they can play basketball not many police like him care some don’t Ever take the time pulling ova checking on children but he did and took his time going to Walmart to go purchase a net for the kids and gave them a extra basketball folks like him need to be recognized in the community not many care for our children fathers, and mothers he said he don’t work to make arrest he works to keep the community.
This just shows that not all officers in the country are bad.