Painting Worth Around $340,000 Left Behind At Airport Is Found In The Paper Recycling

A painting that is worth around $340,000 was found in the paper recycling section of an airport in Germany.

The painting was forgotten by a businessman that was flying to Israel at an airport in Germany.

The police rescued the misplaced valuable artwork from the recycling.

The Dusseldorf Police said that the businessman arrived in the Tel Aviv after his November 27, 2020, flight.

The painting was discovered after being left behind at the Dusseldorf Airport.

According to reports, the artwork was created by Yves Tanguy.

The businessman contacted the airport, but the officials failed to locate the flat cardboard box that was containing the painting.

The nephew of the man, who lives in Belgium, went to Dusseldorf in order to join the search.

They also sought help from the local authorities.

The police contacted the cleaning company contracted by the airport and an investigator was also hired for the search.

After some time, the authorities and everyone involved in finding the artwork discovered the expensive belonging in the waste paper recycling section.

The expensive painting was found at the bottom of the recycling container.

It was returned to the businessman on Wednesday of this week.

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