This Indian Man Breaks Guinness World Record For ‘Nose Typing’ – See Him In Action

Meet Vinod Kumar Chaudhary from New Delhi, India, who has broken the Guinness World Record for “Fastest Time to Type Using the Nose”. He had to write the following sentence: “Guinness world records have challenged me to type this sentence using my nose in the fastest time.” Amazingly, he performed the feat in only 46.30 seconds, beating the original record of 47.44 seconds (Mohammed Khurshid Hussain typed a 103 character sentence in 47.44 seconds).

Indian Man Breaks Guinness World Record for ‘Fastest Time to Type Using the Nose’

“Typing is my profession as well as passion, which inspired me to try something different and outstanding. I have always wanted to do something innovative and do my best in all competitions – this gave me the strength the break the record of fastest typing with nose. For this I would practice for at least four hours every day,” explained Mr Chaudhary.

Watch the full video below:

Mr Chaudhary managed the feat in December 2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, but it was only recently verified by Guinness World Records.

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