Anti-Aging Foods That Makes You Look Young

Do you believe me if I say there are some foods that make you look younger, I mean anti-aging foods? No? But that`s true, you should now believe me after seeing this post. Researchers also say that there are plenty of foods that contain the anti-aging properties. We can see people around us trying to look young even though they are in the forties and fifties. Here we go with a very easy way to look young than you are now.

Anti-Aging Foods That Makes You Look Young

As we proceed to old age our body begins to slow down and all the organs together influence your stamina and fitness. But taking healthy diet and proper exercise to the body can give you good health and younger look. We cannot say these foods will make you look like teens but keeps you healthy always and make you look young than actually, you are.

Flavoured Yogurt:

Are you getting tempted with sweetened cream then here is the right choice for you to replace it. Just replace the cream with some flavoured yogurt. This can prevent your skin from losing elasticity and stop breaking down of cells production. Cut down all your sugar cravings with this flavored Yogurt.

Special K Protein Bars:

Have you ever tried these special k protein bars? They contain Fructose, dextrose, glycerin, sorbitol, zinc oxide, whey protein etc. All these ingredients can help you satisfy your hunger and keep you young than what you are. These bars have just 10 grams of proteins in it. So this will not do much harm to the body but will keep satisfied till lunch.


Strawberries are best fruits for summer actually, but there is another strong reason to make it a part of your diet. Strawberries have antioxidants called anthocyanins which effect the free radicals. Free radicals are produced in large amounts from exposure to chemicals, pollution, cigarette smoke, exposure to UV rays and also some heavy exercise. The problem is these free radicals contribute to process of ageing which is everyone`s problems. So when you consume strawberries, they can neutralize these free radials to act in their way.

Sweet Potato:


Almonds are very good for health and provide vitamin E that is very much essential to every one of us. They also have antioxidant effects which can make your skin healthy. When almonds are in your diet you can get some healthy levels of proteins.


Apples contain some special kind of carbohydrates called oligogalacturonide’s. These unique carbs can provide collagen that supports to healthy skin. Apples also have quercetin which is commonly found in broccoli also.


Tomatoes are very easily available to every one of us at just a few steps away. These tomatoes contain lycopene and beta-carotene which are highly anti-oxidants. As we all knew antioxidants can neutralize free radicals which directly affects your skin health.


Eggs are direct sources of good proteins. Tissues growth can be effected with proteins which also helps in tissue growth. Skin gains elasticity with proteins that are present in eggs. It is very important that you have enough protein that helps you look younger.


Berries have the best quality elements that are good for skin. Phytochemicals are the chemicals that are present in blueberries, strawberries, raspberries etc. These phytochemicals have to disease protective nature. The neutralization of free radicals can make skin smooth and healthy which is possible with these berries.


Spinach is rich in vitamins like A, B, C, D, K and especially B9 and folate which purifies blood and build new cells. They also have lutein content which can keep your eyes bright and healthy. Getting spinach is not a big deal when there are many positives using them. All the vitamins that are present in spinach can make your skin glow and strengthen bones. Spinach also reduces the risk of cancers like liver, colon and prostate.

Lemon Water:

For ages, it is believed that drinking lemon water every morning gives you many good results like maintaining pH levels, flush the wastes out of digestive system and hydrates and oxygenates the system.

All the above food have certain elements that are very much useful to your skin. Because of the presence of particular vitamins, your skin will be healthy and make you look young than you are. Try them out and be young for years.

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