New Data Says Animal Abuse In Spain Have Risen By 400 Percent In The Last 10 Years
According to a new data that was published by the Guardia Civil and Environmental Protection Organisation Seprona, animal abuse crimes in Spain have increased by over 400 percent in the last 400 years.
Under the “Environmental Crime” animal abuse in Spain has been seen in the highest numbers since 2007.
10 years ago, there were 130 animal abuse cases that were registered, and in 2017, those numbers increased to 606.
The data also includes crime such as illegal hunting, illegal fishing, and illegal animal trafficking.
In those crimes, 85 percent of them involved animal abuse and animal neglect.
The Guardia Civil and Environmental Protection Organisation Seprona also wants to point out figures that are not directly indicative of a rise in the acts of abuse.
The data also includes the number of abuse instances that have led to prosecution. According to the data, only 108 cases were brought into prosecution in 2008, and the numbers increased and in 2018, the numbers became 914.
Asuncion Ruiz, the executive director of the Guardia Civil and Environmental Protection Organisation Seprona, said that social awareness is playing a huge role in prosecuting the abusers.
Ruiz added, “More and more people and organisations take the step of denouncing the possible infractions they detect; as citizens, we are increasingly aware that we cannot look the other way, we cannot keep silent in the face of aggression against nature.”
A report will be released in October this year and the data of the report will show how effective are the current environmental laws in Spain.
The report will also help experts in fighting the crime of animal abuse and neglect in the country.