This 2-Month-Old Kitten From Japan Sleeps Like Snow White

Animals sleep in such weird ways, and there is no doubt that cats are one of the weirdest sleepers. Usually, cats curl up when they are sleeping, but this cat from Japan is different.

Chata is a 2-month-old kitten that sleeps like Snow White.

When Chata sleeps, it looks like the kitten is waiting for the love of his life to arrive. But this depends on your perspective.

Many believe that the cat looks like a dead person in a coffin.

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今日は、ちゃたのワクチン打ちに行って ちゃばの左目の瞼が腫れて涙目になってたので 診てもらったら結膜炎😢💦 . ずっとフィラリア予防をするか、しないか考えていて… フィラリア症は発見が遅れると死に至る確率が高くて 犬や猫にとって大変恐ろしい病気だと獣医さんが 色々説明して下さいました。 ただ予防していれば100%防ぐ事ができる!とのことで フィラリア予防にレボリューションを 8ヶ月分もらって首元に投与してもらったよ。 強くお勧めしない病院もあれば、意見は様々やけど 予防するに越したことないかと思って フィラリア予防を始めました。 . とにかくチャバの左目が可哀相なぐらい痛々しくて… 目薬処方してもらったし早く治りますように😩♡ . #ねこのいる生活 #猫との暮らし . #ちゃばちゃたぐらむ #猫好きさんと繋がりたい

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This hilarious kitten has a unique sleeping position and his sleeping position has made him famous on social media.

Chata sleeps with 2 of her paws down and her legs straight and feet up.

The cute little belly of Chata and his small paws are just adorable, and the best thing about the kitten is that he has a great smile.

The owner of Chata says that the kitten loves to sleep that way and is nothing wrong with him.

Chata has over 75 thousand followers on Instagram, and everyone is loving him.

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