Texas Couple Surprise Waitress With New Car After Finding Out She Walked 5 Hours To Work

A Galveston waitress was surprised by a couple with a new car after they found out that she walked hours to work.

Adrianna Edwards, a waitress Denny’s, says she feels like she is in a dream after 2 strangers that she served at breakfast handed her keys to a new car by dinner.

The couple that she served learned that Adrianna was saving money to buy a car walking and was 14 miles per day just to reach work.

After getting touched with her story, the couple went on to buy a car for her.

The couple, who did not want their identities to be shared with the public, went to Classic Galveston Auto Group on Broadway Street and purchased a 2011 Nissan Sentra.

They returned later that day and surprised her with the car.

The woman who bought the car said Adrianna was in tears when they handed her the car.

The couple did not want anything in return, but they had a simple request for Adrianna.

The woman wrote a note for Adrianna, in which she said, “I gave her a note that said, ‘I know it’s Thanksgiving, but I said, ‘Merry Christmas,’ and that, hopefully, someday she’ll just pay it forward.”

Adrianna talked about the huge surprise, she said, “I still feel like I’m dreaming. Every two hours, I come look out my window and see if there’s still a car there.”

She added, “When I see somebody in need, I’ll probably be more likely to help them out (and) to do everything that I can to help them out.”

Adrianna was walking 5 hours per day to reach work and go back to her home.

Thanks to the new car that was gifted by the couple, her commute was cut down from 5 hours to only 30 minutes.

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