Animal Poaching: Trophy Hunters Post Sick Reviews After Killing Lions, Leopards, And Hippos

Trophy hunters are currently posting sickening reviews about their big game kills, which includes lions and hippos.

Trophy hunters pick a target on a website that is offering discounted hunting trips, then brag about their kills on social media.

Discounted Zambia Leopard Hunt –

Posted by Discount African Hunts on Sunday, 24 June 2018

Jacques, a hunter, shared a picture of him that showed a dead lioness.

He said:

NEEDED to hunt LIONS. After putting on all my layers the hunt began. Holy crap that’s a lion track! After seemingly endless tracking in sand and thorns, Holy crap that’s a lion tail! Four days of amazing experiences and close calls later my dream was fulfilled. Using my PHs 375HH with 270 grain softs was a piece of cake.

One person said that a hunter needs to take 5 shots from a powerful Mossberg rifle to kill a buffalo.

The hunter said, “they are extremely tough guys.”

The website that offers these cruel hunting trips is the Discount African Hunts, which is extremely popular with people from the United Kingdom.

My client from the Western US took this awesome lion with a bow this morning in South Africa. Well done!

Posted by Discount African Hunts on Thursday, 13 October 2016

The website allows you to hunt animals in Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

The website offers leopards at £16,000, elephants at £40,000, hippos at £8,000 and lions at £11,000.

A great bull hippo that one of my clients took last month in South Africa while hunting Cape buffalo.

Posted by Discount African Hunts on Saturday, 8 October 2016

Talking about hunting a lion, the Discount African Hunts, said:

Every lion/lioness is different. Some will run and run while others will make a stand rather quickly. This hunt is much more exciting than a traditional lion hunt on bait where you just sit in a blind and wait to ambush the lion. This is the most exciting way to hunt a lion.

The Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting released a statement about the cruel killings, where they said:

Humans have no right to take the life of an animal for recreation. Animals experience suffering and pain when they are hunted for trophies. Killing endangered wildlife for pleasure only helps push them even further towards extinction.

The website did not release any statement about its offerings.

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