Man Rapes 80-Year-Old Mother And Hides In Septic Tank During Raid

A 56-year-old man was arrested by the police for raping his own 80-year-old mother.

According to the police, the incident happened in El Alamo in the municipality of Los Angeles in the central Chilean province of Bio Bio.

During a raid at the house, the police found the 56-year-old rapist hiding in a septic tank near to where the horrible incident happened.

The 80-year-old victim called the authorities and told them that her son had been under the influence of alcohol when he came to her house.

The victim said that she was beaten up and raped by her own daughter.

The suspect, whose identity was not shared with the public, had to be lifted out of the deep septic well by the police and firefighters.

The man was brought to a hospital with injuries to his face.

Reports suggest that the man has a criminal record and has been involved in a number of crimes.

However, the authorities did not reveal anything else.

An investigation has been launched against the incident.

It is still unclear if the man has been charged for raping his own elderly mother.

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