Kolkata High Court Admit Card 2016 For LDC Stenographer & Other Posts Download @ calcuttahighcourt.nic.in
The Kolkata High Court is going to conduct written examination for the recruitment of LDC, Stenographer and various other posts on 11th September 2016. A large number of candidates who are looking for the jobs applied for the recruitment. Candidates who had applied are searching for the Kolkata High Court admit card for various posts as it is the crucial document to carry for the examination and contains details regarding exam venue, roll number etc. Kolkata High Court released LDC Steno Admit Card 2016. Candidates can download the admit card from the direct link provided below.
Kolkata High Court Admit Card 2016:
The Kolkata High Court is the oldest High Court in India. It has jurisdiction over the state of West Bengal and the Union Territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The High Court building’s design is based on the Cloth Hall, Ypres, in Belgium. The Calcutta high Court is one of the three High Courts in India established at the Presidency Towns by Letters patent granted by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, bearing date June 26, 1862, and is the oldest High Court in India.
The court conducts various examinations for the recruitment of eligible candidates in various departments. This year it has released notification for the recruitment of LDC Steno and various posts. Candidates who had applied can download the admit card from the official website.
Kolkata High Court LDC Stenographer Admit Card 2016:
Kolkata High Court released notification and invited online applications for the recruitment of Lower Division Cler, Stenographer and various other posts. A huge number of eligible and interested candidates applied for these posts. Candidates who had applied can get the admit card from the direct link provided below. Without admit card candidate is not allowed to write the examination.
Name of the Organization: Kolkata High Court
Name of the Post: LDC, Stenographer & Various Other Posts
Date of the Exam: 11th Sept 2016
Category: Admit Card
Release of Admit Card: Released
Steps to Download Kolkata High Court Admit Card 2016 For Various Posts:
- Visit the official website or the direct link provided below.
- The homepage page will be displayed.
- Click on Kolkata High Court Admit Card 2016.
- Enter your application number & password in the provided fields.
- Click on submit button.
- The Kolkata High Court admit card will appear on the screen.
- Download/ Take a printout and carry to the examination.
>>Download Kolkata High Court Admit Card 2016 Here<<
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