If You Find A Coin In Your Car Door Handle, This Is What You Have To Do
Beware of Thieves. Nowadays, thieves are going high and using technology to rob things from others. Especially, Car thieves always try to find new ways and schemes for getting into cars to steal valuables. From now, whenever you go out somewhere in the car, you have to check the doors of the car carefully.
A new technique was introduced on the rise that allows thieves to get into the car so easily. This technique is an old one which again came into existence. Thieves had grown up technically and are using less intricate methods for the robbery. There has been a rash of robberies using a coin or nickel.
The coins are inserted in the central locking system device and this disengages the locking system of the car and causes malfunction. They follow wherever you go and When you attempt to use your key for central locking it won’t work because the car door is jammed. They then will be able to get into your car and steal anything they want, including the car itself, if they have the knowhow!
So before getting in or out of the car, make sure to check the car door handles that no coin has been inserted. Watch the video below, to see how thieves are using the “slider” technique to steal your valuables while you are pumping gas at a gas station.