Meet Rehana, Kurdish Female Fighter Who Killed More than 100 Terrorists Single-Handedly

Meet Rehana, a Kurdish female fighter who is gaining popularity and fame in social media after she allegedly killed over 100 jihadists from Islamic State group, formerly known as ISIS or ISIL. She reportedly killed the militants single-handed in the battle for Kobani. She belong to the Yekineyen Parastina Jin, or Women Protection Units (YPJ). This unit is an all female, independent militia which is helping the People’s protection units to fight against ISIS. She was first mentioned in a tweet which went viral. It was re-tweeted almost 5,677 times and ‘favorited’ over 2,763 times.

Kurdish Female Fighter Rehana Dead or Alive?

Many Kurdish women are known for their bravery and fighting skills after various reported incidents where they showed great strength while attacking the militants belonging to the dreaded Islamic State organisation.

The female contingent Rehana earned international renowned after one of its fighters blew herself up in Kobani killing several Islamic State (also known as Isis) militants. She is a trained assassin and has been fighting ISIS to protect her city.

Kurdish Female Fighter Rehana Dead or Alive?

However some sources are reporting that Rehana has been killed by Isis, with one graphic picture purportedly showing her beheading. This has not been independently confirmed.

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