DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 Results Released at @ dheodisha.gov.in
DHE Orissa Junior plus 2 Merit List 2015 is likely to be declared today i.e. 14th August 2015 at 11 AM. DHE Orissa Junior plus 2 Merit List 2015 is declared by the Department of Higher Education, Government of Odisha on its official website dheodisha.gov.in. Candidates those who have written the qualifying examination and eagerly searching for DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015. Candidates can check their DHE Orissa Junior Plus 2 Merit List 2015 by visiting the official website dheodiaha.gov.in or from the direct link provided below.
Download DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 :
The Department of Higher Education of the State Looks after education at University, Post-Graduate, Graduate and Higher Secondary level. It also provides Vocational Education in order to prepare the Youth for self-employment. The Department also promotes professional courses in Government and Private Sector. The Department further provides grant to a number of specialized and research institutes like Naba Krushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies and Institute of Physics. The Organization authority does the preparation of DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 purely on marks secured in the qualifying examination by the respective colleges for remaining seats of the college will publication on college notice board.
Earlier the Department of Higher Education has released the +2 Junior College admission notification officially and invited admissions to all the eligible candidates who qualified in 10th and finding the Junior College for Plus 2. Huge number of candidates have applied and appeared for +2 admission exam. After competition of the exam all are searching for cut off marks and DHE Orissa Junior Plus 2 Merit List 2015. Candidates can check their DHE Orissa Junior +2 Merit List 2015 from the direct link provided below.
DHE Orissa Junior +2 Merit List [email protected] :
Name of the Organization : Department of Higher Education, Odisha
Category : Merit List
Official website: dheodisha.gov.in
Status: Release on 14th August 2015 at 11:00 AM
How to download DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 ?
- Visit the official website dheodiaha.gov.in or Open the direct link provided below.
- Search for DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 and click on it.
- Enter your Registration number, Date of Birth, Gender and verification code in the space provided.
- Click on submit button
- Your DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List – 2015 will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and save it.
- Take a print out of DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 for future reference.
Click Here: To Check DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015
DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 results are likely to declared today i.e. 14th August 2015 at 11 AM. So stay tuned with us for DHE Orissa Plus 2 Merit List 2015 Results 2015. Press CTRL+D right now to bookmark this page.