Macaque Monkeys In Japan Have Learned How To Ride Deer Like Horses For Transport

Macaques are snow monkeys that alive in Yakushima, an island in Japan, and they have an amazing relationship with the deer that are living on that island.

Not only that, but their relationship is also so advance that the monkeys on the island have learned how to ride deer on the island just like humans ride horses.

The funniest and mind-blowing thing about this is that scientists do not have a clue on how they managed to learn to ride deer.

The macaques at the island have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Researchers say that the deer eat the fruit seeds that monkeys drop on the ground and the snow monkeys groom them, which allows them to eat the lice from their fur.

Researchers are mind blown with this fact and they are still not sure how the macaques riding the deer benefit the latter in any way or if it does at all!

If riding a deer is not enough to make you say wow, wait for more.

Recently, a male monkey on the island in Japan was filmed trying to mate with a female deer, which is likely to be the first.

The Japanese Macaques and the Sika Deer are known for regularly hanging around with each other on the island of Yakushima.

Cédric Sueur, an animal behaviorist at Hubert Curien Multidisciplinary Institute in France, said:

“Heterospecific sexual interaction between non-closely related species is very rare to observe. This case is only the second one to be reported.”

It looks like we are about to see a deer and monkey hybrid in the near future.

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