UPSC CAPF Admit Card 2018, 12 August ACs Hall Tickets On upsc.gov.in
UPSC CAPF Admit Card 2018, 12 August ACs Hall Tickets Out On upsc.gov.in: India’s one of the largest examination conducting authority – UPSC has released CAPF Admit Cards online today. Written Examination of Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) 2018 Recruitment is scheduled to be held on 12th August 2018 across the nation. A total number of vacancies this year are 398.
Through this Job vacancy, 29 empty posts of SSB (Sashatra Seema Bal), 84 of CISF (Central Industrial Security Force), 46 of Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) 179 of CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) and 60 of BSF (Border Security Force) will be filled up. Any candidate who has done Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university lying in the age limit of minimum 20 years and maximum 25 years will be allowed to take this examination.
Female candidates can also take this defence category examination. General/ OBC category candidates have paid Rs. 200/- while all other i.e. Scheduled tribes/ schedule castes and Female category candidates are exempted from paying fees. Aspirants, on 12th August 2018 should be ready to face 125 questions of 250 marks and 200 questions of 200 marks respectively from General Intelligence and General Studies, Essay & Comprehension (English).
MCQ type test will be there for Paper I (Duration: 2 hours) and Descriptive type test will be there for Paper II (Duration: 3 hours). Concluding that, besides download Admit Card of UPSC CAPF online and checking latest news on ALLINDIAROUNDUP website, applicants should also keep in mind that 12.08.2018 UPSC CAPF written test is divided into two parts i.e. Paper 1 and Paper 2.
The selection process for this recruitment is mainly divided into three phases and UPSC CAPF Admit Card 2018 will separately be released online for Phase I (Written Examination), Phase II (Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Medical Standard Test) and Phase II (Personal Interview).
In CAPF AC Paper I, 125 questions of 2 marks each will be asked from General Mental Ability, Indian and World Geography, General Science, History of India, Indian Polity and Economy, Current Events of national and International importance subjects.
While in Paper 2, applicants should have mastered topics like Precise Writing, Report Writing, Essay Writing (approximately 800 words), Question from comprehension & passage, counter-argument type questions, other grammar questions etc. For more details related to UPSC CAPF Admit Card 2018, Exam Date, Answer Key, Result, Merit List and Cut off Marks etc, keep visiting ALLINDIAROUNDUP daily.