10 Unknown And Unbelievable Facts About Kumbhakarna
Kumbhakarna is certainly one of the most interesting characters in the Indian epic Ramayana. Whereas most characters perfectly embody either virtue or vice, Kumbhakarna is a more complex figure. He is a rakshasa and younger brother of Ravana. Despite his monstrous size and great hunger, he was described to be of good character, though he killed and ate many monks just to show his power. He was considered so pious, intelligent and brave that Indra was jealous of him. Let’s discover some lesser known facts about Kumbhakarana – the sleeping demon with ravenous appetite, which are pretty hard to believe
1. Indra was jealous of Kumbhakarna
According to ancient Indian epic Ramayana, Indra, lord of heaven or swarglok, was said to have been envious of Kumbhakarna because of the fact that he was supreme in power, exceptionally knowledgeable and righteous.
2. Brahma Yajna & Kumbhkarana’s boon
According to the legend, Ravana was told by his father Vishravas that he should attain the status of his half-brother Kubera the god of wealth. So, Raavana along with his two brothers – Vibhishan and Kumbhakarana had gone into intense meditation (tapasya) for years to please Lord Brahma.
When the time came for Kumbhakarna asking a boon (blessing) from Brahma, his tongue was tied by goddess Saraswati (acting on Indra’s request). So instead of asking “Indraasana” (Indra’s throne), he asked for “Nidraasana” (bed for sleeping). It is also said he intended to ask for Nirdevatvam (annihilation of the Devas) and instead asked for Nidravatvam (sleep). His request was granted (Some say that goddess Saraswati tied his tongue and made him misspeak, fearing that if Kumbhakarna became the king of devas, there would be trouble in heaven).
But his brother Ravana asked Brahma to undo this boon as it was in reality a curse. Kumbhakarna slept for six months, and when he awoke, he ate everything in the vicinity, including humans.
3. Kumbhkarana Eating Capacity was Shocking
According to Ramayana, ‘अतिबल कुंभकरन अस भ्राता। जेहि कहुँ नहिं प्रतिभट जग जाता करइ पान सोवइ षट मासा। जागत होइ तिहुँ पुर त्रासा’
Which means that Kumbhakarana was extremely powerful and there was no one who could challenge and defeat him in the whole world. He would be awake for one day and eat the whole day and finish his meal with alcohol. He would then sleep again for 6 months.
At one point in Valmiki’s Ramayana, Kumbhakarna is described to have drunk 2,000 pitchers of water after being woken up from his slumber and summoned by his brother.
‘जौ दिन प्रति अहार कर सोई। बिस्व बेगि सब चौपट होई’
When he used to be awake, he would only create chaos and destruction around.
4. Kumbhakarna was awakened to fight in the War
When the war between Rama and Raavan began, the ape army had killed many soldiers of Raavan’s army. Ravana needed his brothers help and decided to wake him.It was a heculian task to wake Kumbhakarna. The effort would be equivalent to an army of elephants walking over him. In doing so they were successful in their effort.
5. Kumbkarana was Unhappy With Raavan For Kidnapping Sita
When Kumbhakarana woke up and was informed of the circumstances of Ravana’s war with Rama, he tried to convince Ravana that what he was doing was wrong.
‘जगदंबा हरि आनि अब सठ चाहत कल्यान’
These were Kumbhakarana’s words to Raavan. In the above line, Kumbhakarana calls Raavan a foolish. He says, “After kidnapping the ‘jagat janani’, if you expect happiness for yourself, you are a fool.”
6. Kumbhkarana had Asked Raavan to Apologize to Rama
Kumbhkarana tried hard to explain Raavan about the repercussions of this war with Rama. He asked Raavan to apologize to Rama and return Sita. This was the only way to save the Rakshasa clan. However, Raavan refused to listen to him. Hence, he chose to fight in the battle due to his loyalty to his brother.
7. Kumbhakarna in War & His Death
When Raavan refused to cancel the war, Kumbhakarana had to agree to be a part of the war to maintain his brother’s pride. Kumbhakarana knew that Rama was the avatar of Lord Vishnu and it was impossible to defeat him in war. Despite all this, he went into the battle field. He was unmatched in the battle field for he has such strength, played havoc on the enemy. He was so powerful that he devastated Rama’s army, injured Hanuman and knocked Sugriva unconscious and took him as a prisoner but was killed by Rama. When Ravana heard of his brother’s death, he fainted and proclaimed that he is truly doomed.
8. Kumbhakarna & his Sons
Kumbhakarna had two sons, Kumbha and Nikumbha, who too fought in the war against Rama and were killed. According to the Shiva Purana, Kumbhakarna had another son called Bheema who fled to Dakini – on the ranges of the Sahyadri Mountains with his mother Karkati. Bheema took an oath to destroy Lord Vishnu and began a campaign of terror based on a boon provided by Lord Brahma.
When Bheema defeated a devotee of Lord Shiva and interrupted his penances, Lord Shiva destroyed Bheema and manifested himself at that location in the form of the Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga – one of the 12 jyotirlingas in existence.
9. The Knowledge of Philosophy
Kumbhakarana had nothing to do with sin-virtue, religion or karma. He would sleep for 6-months and then wake up for a day and only eat to his heart’s content on that day. The remaining day, he would spend meeting his relatives and knowing how they were. Although, he was a rakshasa, but he would always be away from violence. Because of this reason, Narad Muni had taught him all the aspects of Philosophy.
Able to realize the mistakes and wrong doings of Ravana, even trying to intervene and moderate at certain times, he is unable to openly oppose him, feeling bound by his warrior ethics. Fighting on what he knows is the wrong side, he is ultimately killed in combat. When he was finally defeated, he annihilated in Lord Rama and got salvation.
10. Kumbhakarna Compared to Vikrana
Kumbhakarna’s character can be compared to Vikarna, the brother of Duryodhana from the Mahabharata, the other great Hindu epic. Both knew that their brothers were wrong, but still fought for them as a mark of duty. The battle between Kumbhakarna and Rama is prominently featured in the Balinese Kecak dance.