Clown Targets Woman On Escalator At Brazilian Mall And Throws Pies In Her Face!

A woman shopper goes absolutely crazy when a clown throws a pie in her face while travelling on opposite escalators at Brazilian mall. Seemingly minding her own business as she takes the escalator, one lady got a sudden shock when a clown slapped a cream pie in her face, prompting a hilarious reaction from the angry woman. The woman apparently tried to chase a clown down an escalator but unfortunately, it did not work out as well as she apparently hoped. This is so hilarious that you can’t stop laughing and you end up watching it multiple times.

Watch the Funny Video Here:

Cursing at the clown, the woman heads up the escalator, still fuming at being unable to catch the clown despite her best efforts.

The amusing video was filmed by a series of secret cameras in a shopping centre in Brazil and was shown on a local comedy television show. The hilarious video has been watched over 647,000 times since it was posted on World Star Hip-Hop, prompting dozens of comments about the woman’s priceless reaction.

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