How Colours Impact Your Mood, Behaviour And Feelings. Check Now
There are several reasons why colors are able to influence how we feel. Artists and interior designers have long understood how color can dramatically affect moods, feelings, and emotions. As a matter of fact, our feeling about any colour is deeply personal and rooted in your own experience or culture. The psychological properties of the basic colours are as follows:
Red is a powerful colour. Red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. It stimulates us and raises the pulse rate, giving the impression that time is passing faster than it is. Although research shows that the best way for a single gal to attract a guy’s attention is to wear red.
Need to chill out after a stressful day? Slip on something blue. Blue is known as the cool, soothing color. Everyone enjoys looking across a lake or the sea and looking into a blue sky because there is something calming about the vastness of blue. Soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration. Wearing blue to job interviews is recommended by Fashion consultants because it symbolizes loyalty.
From grass to leaves to other verdant vegetation, the color green is closely linked to the environment, which can put you in a relaxed or refreshed mood. The colour improves vision. Green also looks good on every skin type & it allow you to modify your mood — from serious and sophisticated to fresh and bright.
Psychologically Yellow is the strongest colour. Yellow carries both positive and negative connotations — from sunshine, which conveys a joyous, happy mood to jaundice and sickliness. It helps to release a chemical in the brain called Serotonin, essential for causing a happy mood. Too much of it can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety.
Black signifies power and authority, it represents knowledge and intelligence. Black makes you look five pounds slimmer — instantly improving your mood. Black is clearly the go-to color when you want to look more regal and formal. It communicates absolute clarity, with no fine nuances.
White is the colour of clarity, Purity, innocence (Baby products come usually in white to symbolize innocence and cleanliness) & uncompromising. It symbolizes new beginning, rebirth. White is used by doctors and nurses to show sterility.
Pink is a dominant colour, psychologically. Even if a person tries to be angry or aggressive in the presence of pink, he can’t. Pink is often associated with romance, which is reminiscent to the idea of being joyful.
Orange is a bright, shiny, warm colour of fire and sun. It focuses our minds on issues of physical comfort – food, warmth, shelter etc. Too much of orange can cause fatigue. It’s also the color to choose when you want to stand out without taking a big risk.