Nearly 1 In 1,500 People In Japan Is At Least 100 Or Older And They’re Probably A Woman
In a new data that was released by the government of Japan, nearly 1 in every 1,500 people in Japan is 100 years old or older.
The best thing about this is that the people that live longer in the country are mostly women.
Data that was released by the Health, Labor, and Welfare Ministry of Japan stated that the number of centenarians went above 80,000 for the first time year.
This is also the 50th consecutive annual increase and the biggest rise since data started to be recorded in the country.
As of Tuesday this month, there were around 80,450 people aged 100 and over.
There are 9,176 more people this year than last year.
So in every 1,565 people, there is one person in Japan that is 100 years old or even older!
That’s not it by the way.
The data that was shared by the government shows that women in japan are far more likely than men to live for a century or more.
88 percent of all centenarians in the country are women.
The country of Japan has a rapidly aging population, but the average life expectancy across the country is considered amongst the best in the world.
The numbers are currently at a record high.
On an average, women are expected to live 87.45 years in Japan. For males, they are expected to live for 81.41 years.
Japan only started to document the number of centenarians in 1963, shows official data.
In 1963, there were only 153 people aged 100 or over in the country.
In 1988, the numbers went to 10,000, but now the numbers are at 80,450 people