RRB JE {Junior Engineer} Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Previous Papers PDF Download
The Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) published the notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer(JE) and Senior Section Engineer(SE) vacancies. All the candidates who are interested can apply for this recruitment before the last date. Recently RRB Secunderabad announced the recruitment of Junior Engineer, Senior Section Engineer. We have prepared the syllabus for RRB Junior Engineer Books and sample question papers. The Junior Engineer Exam is scheduled on 14th December 2014. And the Senior Section Engineer exam is scheduled on 21st December 2014. Below we have given RRB Junior Engineer Syllabus 2014.
RRB Junior Engineer Syllabus, Exam Pattern:
The question paper contains 5 main topics
- General Awareness
- General Intelligence
- Arithmetic
- Reasoning Ability
- Technical Ability
There is negative marking, so candidates are advised to attempt questions carefully. note for every wrong answer 1/3rd marks will be deducted.
This section will be in general covered with questions from the current international and national dealings, sports, awards, banking and there are also chances of getting questions from finance & banking areas too. Along with these, there will be questions from Indian Polity, Indian History, Geography, and Economics too. But the focus must be on the current affairs section as there are chances of getting more questions in this area.
General Intelligence :
Coding-Decoding, Sequence & Series, Alphabet Test, Classification, Blood Relations, Direction Test, Venn Diagrams, Group Reasoning, Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test, Logical Arrangement of Words.
Average, Angles and Sides of various shapes, percentages, profit & loss and partnership, Square root and Cube root, Volume and Surface Area, Computation of Fractions, Computation of whole numbers, L.C.M and H.C.F.
Reasoning Ability :
Analyzing Arguments, Blood Relation, Test Cause and Effect Making Judgements, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Statements and Assumption, Statement and Conclusion.
TECHNICAL ABILITY: This section is to check your knowledge in your specialized field. That is, this section is to check your technical skills which will be helpful in the future for sure.
For RRB JR & SR Engineer Study Materials, Previous Year Question Papers:
RRB Junior Engineer Branch Wise Syllabus 2014
Electronics Engineering: Students from Electronic Background must mainly focus on the Fundamental Electronics Concept, Signals & Systems, Wireless Communications, and Antennas. There are also some more topics which are needed to be covered for the exam: Control Systems, Basics of Communications, Intrinsic & Extrinsic Silicon, Generation & Recombination of Carriers, Types of Diodes, and Types for FETs…
Mechanical Engineering: Strength & Theory of Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Power Engineering, Steam Table, Rankine, Diesel cycles, Machining & Machine tool operations, Design for static & Dynamic loading are some of the topics from which the questions might come. And, do more concentration on the basics of your subjects, because the fundamentals will play a huge role in the exams.
For RRB JR Mechanical Engineer Study Materials: CLICK HERE
JE (Printing Press): Questions will be of basic standard on: Printing Techniques, Printing Materials, Printing Surface Preparation, Offset printing, Color Science, Flexo & Gravure, Digital technology & Imaging are the topics on which questions are being asked.
JE (IT): C, C++, Java, Data Base Management Systems, Operating Systems, INIX, Networking, Communication, MS Office, Software Engineering (Read All Models i.e Waterfall model), Web Technology, Programming some questions will be based on spotting errors and finding outputs
JE (Instrumentation & Measurement): Have a look on basics of circuits, Signals & Systems, Digital Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, Control Systems, process control, Systems & Instrumentation, transducers. You may face good number of questions from Control systems, Signals, Circuits and Transducers.
RRB JR and Sr Engineering General Knowledge Question Papers: CLICK HERE
JE (Environment & Pollution): Revise all general things about environment and pollution like Environmental Science – meaning, scope and importance, Environmental Factors – Biotic and Abiotic, Global Environment and its segments – atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere, Environmental Pollution : Definition, causes and types – air, water, soil, noise, radioactive and thermal; Global and regional perspectives of environmental pollution, Natural and Man-made Environmental Problems : Environmental problems associated with urbanization, industrialization, modernization of agriculture and their regional and global perspective, Environmental problems due to Resource Exploitation – Mining and Environment, Open cast mining, Oil exploration and transportation, Deforestation and their impact on environment, Natural Environmental Hazards – Earthquake, Volcano, Landslide, Flood and Cyclone – their impact on environment, Environmental problems related to grassland and wetlands – Overgrazing and land degradation, desertification, reclamation of degraded land; Human intervention on wetlands, siltation and eutrophication, reclamation of wetlands.
RRB JE & SE Exam preparation-Tips & Best Books: CLICK HERE
JE Drawing & Graphics: Introduction and importance of engineering drawing, drawing instruments, drawing standards and conventions, Geometrical constructions and scales, Engineering curves: Ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloids, trochoids, involutes, spirals, etc. Normal and tangents, Theories of projection: multiview projections, 1st angle and 3rd angle projections, Projection of Points, Lines, Auxiliary Planes, Projection of Planes, Projection of Solids, Sections of solids: introduction, conventions, sections of various solids, Intersection of solids, Intersection of solids, Development of surfaces, Axinometric projections, Perspective projections.
RRB JR Mechanical Engineer Previous Question Papers
RRB JR Civil Engineer Previous Question Papers
RRB JR Electronical Engineer Previous Question Papers
RRB JR & SR Engineer Study Materials PDF’s Download
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