Watch What Made the 4 Youth to Die Out While Racing On High End Sports Bikes
After witnessing the CCTV footage of this fatal accident, you would certainly consider the well said adage “Speed thrills but kills”. Unofficially many racings are held across the nation which result in many adversities for the participants many a times. Despite all these, this trend is continued ignoring the legal notices of the local administration and police.
The recently Malaysia bike racing is no exemption to the above said statements which killed at least 4 young boys. Some of the major reasons which lead to this fatality are,
- Riding too close to the curb,
- Airport road, wrong location.
- Wrong time (Night)
- Above all RACING…!!
Note that this incident might have happened in Malaysia and there is no clarity over it but the below is the video that will freak you out.
Readers Below 13 Years of Age Are Strictly Warned Not to Watch Below Cited Video
We suggest every youngster or racing freak out there, kindly to care about your lives and your dear ones before taking part in the race.