What Does Your Eye Color Reveal About Your Personality?
Eyes – They are the first things we look at in another person. We have all heard the cliched expression that “eyes are the window to the soul,” but now it looks like there’s some real science to back up the expressions. Scientists at the Orebro University in Sweden found that our personality traits could be linked to our eye colours.
Take a look into a person’s eyes and you can gaze deep into their feelings, emotions and mood. We’ve all seen various personality tests that tell us a little about our personality, but our eyes are an actual physical part of us and can tell us even more. “The eye is so closely linked neurologically to the brain that you might call it the only part of our brain you can see from the outside,” says Dr Antony Fallone of Edinburgh University. “It seems to hold vital clues to our brain function. Therefore, it plays an important role in determining your personality.”
There are many different eye colours, some of the most common are – blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes and brown eyes. Find out what your eye colour says about you!
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Dark Brown or Black Eyes
Dark brown or black eyes are often associated with night, mystery and intuition. It is said that people with dark brown or black eyes are said to be very trustworthy and responsible with everything around them especially their friends. They are secretive and will never let your secrets out to anyone. They sometimes mistrust people and are reluctant to start friendships and to fall in love. But when they do begin a relation, they are loyal till the very end. They make great lovers as they go out of their way to make their loved ones feel satisfied and happy. They are extremely hardworking and practical and will always give their best shot at whatever it is that they are doing. This earthy colour also signifies a personality type that is spiritual, passionate and optimistic. They always know how to show their worth to others. Don’t go away thinking they are serious or boring; because they have a wild side too and can be the life of a party. The world sees you as a leader and you could probably rule the world if you recognise this inner strength of yours.
Blue Eyes
Blue is the second most common and most desired eye colour in the world. They have extremely great mental and physical strength, but people don’t always understand them. In fact, people may perceive them negatively and never know the real them. People with blue eyes are perceived as shy and weak. However, in reality, people with blue eyes are very inquisitive and alert. It is said that people with blue eyes are immune to pain. They can withstand long hours of discomfort and you might never hear a whimper from them.
The most prominent feature among Blue eyed people is their inherent desire to make others happy. They go that extra mile just to make sure that you are happy with utmost kindness and sincerity. A person with blue eyes wants a long-lasting relationship.
Grey Eyes
Grey eyes are incredibly rare. If you have grey eyes, it’s actually a shade of blue that’s just a bit dimmer. Those who have Grey eyes can either be extremely well balanced or extreme opposites. Though it takes a while to break through their outer walls, they are deeply caring and sensitive persons to their loved ones. In fact, people with grey eyes are the least aggressive people of all.
People with grey eyes are born to be dominant and leaders. They are strong in nature, wise and gentle. They put all their passion in whatever they do, be it a profession or personal. They are creative and imaginative, and flexible in their attitude. These are great people to be around and their company will surely have a positive effect on you as well.
Hazel Eyes
Hazel is an uncommon shade for eyes – a beautiful mixture of brown and green and this eye colour looks breathtakingly good. Since hazel eyes are unique, people with this eye colour are told from the childhood that they are different and unique. Therefore these children grow up to be independent, spontaneous, fun-loving and confident. Sometimes they appear to be mysterious. However, overall these people have a very balanced personality.
Their beauty often attracts many people but the relationships of hazel eyed person may not last very long unless you are THE ONE for them. Mischievous and sensual in equal measure, they make for great personalities. One thing that you need to be aware of is their temper. If you can handle that, then you are in for a joy-ride. Finally, they are all in one and one in all.
A study from the University of South Australia claims that this colour could be due to some material from the bloodstream which broke down – which happens during liver imbalance. So, these people can be prone to digestive issues.
Light Brown or Brown Eyes
The most common eye colour in the world is brown. People with brown eyes are independent, polite, attractive, confident, caring, love making new friends and they are always up for trying new things in life. Things like simplicity, creativity and positivism are some things that you can always find in them. They are also practical but when it comes to the people they care about, practicality tends to take a back-seat as love and care overtake it. They are usually the happy-go-lucky people who don’t care much for earthly possessions. Even though they are self-confident and determined, sometimes, they can have a hard time trying to express themselves to people. People who have brownish eye colour are also deemed as loyal, trustworthy and respectable. These people may also have a harder time getting up in the morning.
Green Eyes
Green eye colour is one of the rarest eye colours in the world. People with green eyes tend to be more alluring and mysterious. Green eyes have a melanin quotient that keeps them balanced. So they are dominating and agreeable like brown eyed people and also strong and cautious like blue eyed people. They are original and creative. They perform exceptionally well where others fail, especially since they are quick and decisive.
Intelligent and always curious, green eyed people are always the first to take the interest in something new. They have an incredible zeal and zest for life and for living life to the fullest. Green is also considered a very youthful, invigorating colour so these people tend to bring vibrancy and compassion wherever they go. And of course, with an eye colour so enchanting, they tend to be very attractive and beautiful as well. The only negative factor is that they get jealous very soon.