4 Simple Tips To Avoid 124 Health Problems – Check Out!
There is a lot of truth in the popular saying called “Health Is Wealth,” which we should all agree with. In the recent days, there has been increased health awareness among the people, who have been taking all the necessary precautions to stay healthy.
You will be surprised to know these 4 rules, which if practiced regularly, keeps you away from around 124 diseases. And to make it easier, all these rules are associated with the water we drink. Let’s check them out!
1. Don’t drink water 40 minutes before and 1 hour after every meal:
Breakfast, lunch, dinner or whatever; do not drink water until 1 hour after eating the food. Because, the food we eat, enters into the esophagus (passage between the pharynx and the stomach), where hydraulic acid kills bacteria, and mechanically breaks down some food. With a low PH value, the hydrochloric acid helps enzymes to digest the food and then release the energy.
So, in this process, drinking water immediately after taking the food slows down the digestion process (Digestion takes from half an hour to 3 hours depending on the type of consumed food). Water taken during a meal can dilute digestive juices and saliva, which have a particular chemical composition and helps to break down the food. So, after digestion, the waste remains and causes several diseases. That is the reason, why we shouldn’t drink water 40 minutes before and 1 hour after every meal.
2. You should never drink water in haste
Just like you have your tea and coffee, you should sip the water in same way instead of drinking hastily. By doing this, with every sip of water, a part of saliva from your mouth enters into the body which is helpful. Otherwise, if consumed hastily, the Hydro Chlorine (HCl) in your body has to react more on it which results in high acidity. This affects the blood in your body which may make you vulnerable to various diseases. Hence, you should never drink water in haste.
3. Never drink Chilled / Ice water
It is very harmful to drink chilled water because at any given time, with one process or the other, all your body gets heated. At this time, if you drink cool water, your body gets greatly affected by the two extremely opposite temperatures. If at all it’s hard for you to avoid cool water, it’s better to consume naturally cooled water from earthen pots but never ice water.
4. Drink 2-3 Glasses of water every day after you wake up
This habit is being followed by a lot of people from past few years. You need to start your day by having 2-3 glasses of water which helps to eliminate the accumulated wastes in your body in the form of excretion without any trouble. People who excrete the bodily wastes in a single instance are less susceptible to diseases.
Remember to follow these above 4 rules related to water and save your health. Check Your Body To Mass Index (BMI) with BMI Calculator App!