Gut Health Test will Become Much More Comfortable in Future
For years, researchers have said that understanding a person’s digestive system. Could help in understanding his health. Moreover, now according to the new research. Gut health test will become much more comfortable in future. It could be as easy as conducting a home swab test.
Many people complain about stomach problems. Most of the people have complained about some sort of digestive problem. Says the Gut Foundation Australia.
What is this new testing process?
The new testing process which is developed by Brisbane-based company Microba. In this process, experts would take samples of fecal. Also, then in the laboratory, which is capable of doing further process. Which includes DNA sequencing technology which will allow painting a picture of gut microorganisms.
What do researchers said?
Senior scientist Dr. Alena Pribyl said that if Five years ago we would’ve sent off someone’s stool sample to learn which gut microbes are living in it then It seems insane. However, today that we have learned so much more about how those microbes are interacting and influencing your health, this is what you want to do now.
However, she also warned that the process is not medically diagnosed.
She said, “It might instigate someone to go to their health care practitioner and get looked at more closely to get a diagnosis,”
How does it helps?
Researchers say, that the bacteria in the gut. Helps to understand the health of a person much better. It does not just allow to understand the health of a person’s stomach. However, many other aspects of your body as well. According to them, a healthy gut could protect you from some of the nasty inflammatory diseases you can get in your bowel.
Apart from that, the gut can also help understand. How precisely a particular drug is resting inside a person body. Given the fact not all drugs work same in everyone. So sometimes drug can cause more problem than the disease it is used for.
According to researchers, the gut is the center of our health. Moreover, a better understanding of it would help to understand our health. Because of this, the new easy gut health test could be very much helpful.