Here’s How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period – Scientifically proven!

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience which brings lots of happiness as well as excitement. With that one word “positive”, your whole world changes immediately and keeps you on cloud nine. The most anxious and exciting period is that particular time span when you just want to know whether you are pregnant or not. There are many medical procedures that confirm your pregnancy, but at the same, there are a lot of ways to detect pregnancy at an early stage.

How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (3)

Even before you miss a period, you may suspect (or hope) that you’re pregnant! For some women, early symptoms of pregnancy begin in the first few weeks after conception. Here are the few early signs and symptoms of pregnancy which could tell whether or not you are harboring a tiny human.

1. Swollen and tender breasts

swollen breasts - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period


Your breasts may provide one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Or your breasts may feel fuller and heavier.

2. Fatigue

Fatigue - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period


Fatigue and tiredness also rank high among early symptoms of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the progesterone hormone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can even put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar levels, and increased blood production may team up to deplete your energy during your pregnancy.

3. Mood swings

Mood Swings - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period

The flood of hormones in your body in early pregnancy can make you unusually emotional and weepy. Mood swings are common during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.

4. Faintness and dizziness

Dizziness - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (1)

As your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy. Early in pregnancy, faintness also may be triggered by low blood sugar.

5. Nausea and Vomiting

How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period.


Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, is one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy. For some women, the uneasiness begins as early as two weeks after conception. Nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen, which causes the stomach to empty more slowly.

One symptom of early pregnancy is a sudden aversion to certain foods and smells. So, various odors, such as foods, perfume or any other – may cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy.

6. Food aversions or cravings

Food cravings - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (7)

When you’re pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods. Sometimes, even in early pregnancy, you may start to feel more hungry than normal – Food cravings. Like most other symptoms of pregnancy, these food cravings can be linked to hormonal changes – especially in the first trimester, when hormonal changes are the most dramatic.

7. Peeing often

Peeing often - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (1)

One sign that your fertilized egg has implanted is that you need to pee more, for some people. You have more of the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, increasing how much blood flow you have near your bladder, which can cause you to urinate more.

8. Spotting and cramping

spotting and cramping - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (2)

Your period comes earlier than usual, in a lighter color, and finishes quickly; it could be implantation bleeding, which is a sign of pregnancy. Some women also experience abdominal cramping early in pregnancy. These cramps are similar to menstrual cramps.

9. Constipation

constipation - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (2)

Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.

10. Headaches

headache - How To Detect Pregnancy Earlier Than Missing A Period (2)

Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.

Also Read: Watch How Different Stages of Pregnancy Fetal Development Takes Place Week by Week

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