I Eat Well, Exercise, Don’t Smoke Or Drink, How Did I Still Get Cancer? Here’s The Answer

Some people always prefer to be well aware of their health, they stay quite conscious with the food they take, maintain diet and do proper exercises, but what happens, in the end is absolutely miserable. The unexpected attack of Cancer.

It is technically unfair to assume that cancer is for those who smoke, drink and do harmful drugs. According to the Oncologists, cancer is sometimes a disease that passes through DNA and sometimes through internal part failure.

Now, experts describe the reason behind this, considering the DNA damage:

Somewhere somehow everyone must have read that cancer is a swarm of identical, rogue cells, which copy themselves over and over again, taking up more and more space, and using more and more resources (Oxygen, energy, space and etc..).

There are certain kinds of cells in regarding the reasons behind cancer. A benign tumour’s cells eventually stop replicating. A malignant tumour (cancer) never stops.

Meanwhile, going into the details,

As you know, DNA is a cell’s issue of instructions for copying itself, so having damaged DNA is like having a scratched CD, the data is corrupted. And if you put that CD in a burner and made copies, you’d get copies of that corrupt data, isn’t it?

Now comes the major part, by now your cells have built-in regulations to prevent the progression of “corrupted data”. Your cells scan themselves continually and if they find their DNA to be damaged they self-destruct through “Apoptosis”.

(“Apoptosis” is also how your body handles the flu’, so that’s possibly one reason why you feel weak. It’s a good idea to eat lots of protein when you’re sick so you’d have materials to make new, replacement cells.)

Your cells also have a fixed number of times which they are allowed to [replicate, determined by the length of their chromosomes’.

Each time one of your cells replicates, its telomeres shorten a little. When telomeres get too short, the cell no longer can copy itself, and instead ages until it dies.

However, damage to the correct part of a cell’s DNA can induce the cell’s internal regulations to switch off. A cell whose telomeres never shorten, for example, will be able to go on replicating indefinitely. And it does. And that mass of cells is what makes up cancerous growths.

So what causes DNA damage?

DNA can be “damaged” by internal mutations, genetic errors passed on through generations and through the exposure to chemical “Carcinogens”, substances which for various reasons promote cancer. Smoke, rancid oils, etc. and another way is, through radiation.

Radiation is a stream of sub-atomic particles emitted by a source. These sub-atomic particles can slam into cells and physically damage them… or physically damage their DNA. Scratching the CD,” so to speak. And, as I said above, if the right part of the DNA is damaged, the cell may lose its internal regulation.

So you can see there why a healthy person, who doesn’t smoke, who doesn’t eat carcinogenic foods, can still possibly develop cancer, if (in this example) he is exposed to too much strong radiation, to the point that some of his body’s cells experience the right kind of DNA damage.

That’s one possibility discovered so far, but we can assume many more others, which we’ll discover more in future.

Despite this, there are many other ways through which cancer can inspect into our bodies. Contrary to the nutrition standards mentioned on the wrappers there are certain displeasing ingredients added in the drinks. On the other hand, the food we eat in our daily life is simply unhygienic, as it is full of pesticides and synthetic chemicals.

Sources claim that Red 40, Blue 1 and Yellow 5 are common synthetic food colourants used in industries even though they have been proven to cause long-term health problems. Indeed the palak gravy you may be having may be onion based gravy with the green colourant.

Certain modifications in the ingredients level must be done so that the chances of inducing cancer might go down.

How you can avoid:

Now, it must be noticed that despite the full-fledged efforts you make to save yourself, there are certain factors like DNA inheritance which in inevitable to induce cancer inside your body. But there are certain precautions you can take, like avoiding the beverages as much as possible, consuming the natural foods which are far away from synthetic chemicals and fertilisers.

However, proper measures must be taken from the government before providing the license to the fertiliser sellers.

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