8 Times When You Fail To Notice The Symptoms That Indicate A Serious Liver Damage
In the modern world, not only the techology which is increasing, at the same time risk of human health is also increasing. People are facing many health problems due to lack of nutrients, improper life style, stress, pressure and burdens. A person prone to health risk is at higher rate.
The most vital organ of the human body that is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen is the LIVER. The liver has a wide range of functions, including detoxification of various metabolites, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. Any human organ can be replaced, but a liver cannot be transplanted. There is no artificial liver. Its an impossible task to compensate the functions of the liver.
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We Should Be Very Much Careful About Our Liver. Here Are The 8Symptoms Of The Liver Damage. If You Find Any Of Those Symptoms, Immediately Consult Your Physician Without Ignoring.
#1. Stomach Disorder
Stomach disorders include nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramps, diarrhea and pain. So the improper digestion process can be a symptom of the liver damage. If the discomfort prolongs for a long period, then it’s better to consult the doctor for safe-gaurding your liver.
#2. Fatigue
Feeling tired, sluggish and inactive are the most common symptoms of the liver damage. So it is better to consult doctor immediately if you are experiencing tiredness in a long run.
#3. Loss Of Appetite
If there is a lot of change in your weight i.e weight decreased suddenly, it may be a sign of liver damage. So, do not ignore the loss of appetite. Consult your doctor immediately if you observe a change in your weight from past few days.
#4. Disorder In Digestion
Many digestion problems like constipation, diarrhea, alcohol intolerance and gallstones also indicates the liver damage.
#5. Change Of Urine Color
If the urine color is dark yellow even after drinking the plenty of water, then its your time to visit the doctor
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#6. Change Of Stool Color
If the color of your stool changes to brown or gray or pale yellow, then immediately consult your physician without ignoring as it is the main indication of the liver damage.
#7. Jaundice
Jaundice is the main cause of disorder in pancreas and gall bladder. If not treated properly, it leads to a severe liver damage. You can observe change in the color of your eyes. Your eyes turn to yellow.
#8. Cramps In Your Lower Abdomen
Cramps in your lower abdomen may be sign of liver damage.
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So if you find any of the above symptoms in you, then be careful and consult your doctor without ignoring. Prevention is better than cure. Follow healthy diet, regular exercises and stay away from alcohols. Health is more important than everything else in our life. Share this with your friends who loves you.