Reports Suggest That Swapping Rice Crops in India Could Save Water in Future

In India, the Agriculture sector is one of the biggest sectors in India. Which is good in a way since the population keeps growing. Moreover, if there is not much food we would need to start importing, that would increase the cost in India. However, according to the reports, India will need to feed approximately 394 million more people by 2050. Moreover, that is a massive change. Currently, Nutrient deficiencies are already widespread. In India today 30 percent or more are anemic, and many regions are chronically water-stressed. Moreover, if that’s not enough, the monsoons are delivering less rainfall than they used to.



What are suggested solutions?

According to a study which was published in Science Advances. Replacing some rice with less thirsty crops could dramatically reduce water demand in India. While also improving nutrition.

Back in the 1960’s a massive growth in the production of the grains like Rice and Wheat. Helped India to reduce hunger and supplied proper food compared to the demands. However, this affected the environment as well. With growing demand for water greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution from fertilizer.

What do experts say?



“If we continue to go the route of rice and wheat, with unsustainable resource use and increasing climate variability, it’s unclear how long we could keep that practice up,” says Kyle Davis, a fellow at Columbia University’s Earth Institute and lead author on the new study. “That’s why we’re thinking of ways to better align food security and environmental goals.”

Their study is based on two key objectives of the Indian government. To reduce undernourishment and improve nutrition, and to promote sustainable water use.


Now, according to the study if farmers switch to a different crop which is less water-thirsty than Rice. They will be able to manage the amount of demand of the future. Moreover, most of them wouldn’t have to be solely dependent on the rain. However, the question is deducting the amount of rice would affect the people who consume it in high quantity. So it needs to be something which is going to need everyone open for a bit of change.

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