India To Account For 40 Percent Of Global Rail Activity By The Year 2050

By the year 2050, India is set to have 40 percent of the global railway activity, in addition to that India will also save $64 Billion USD on fuel bills alone.

In the report in the Future of Rail Opportunities for energy that was released on Wednesday was conducted by the International Energy Agency said that the annual investment in the railway infrastructure will be increased to $330 Billion USD globally by the year 2050, this number was made on the current stages of continuous planning and construction on railway projects.

The report said: “Rail activity in India is set to grow more than any other country, with passenger movements in India reaching 40 percent of the global activity. The biggest part of the increased investment goes to infrastructure for urban rail (nearly USD 190 billion) and high-speed rail (USD 70 billion); the additional costs of the trains are small in comparison.”

It added: “As a result of these investments, in 2050 fuel expenditures are reduced by around USD 450 billion, relative to the base scenario. India could save as much as USD 64 billion on fuel expenditures by mid-century.”

In the report, it also said that the pace of railway infrastructure is seen the fastest in urban areas. The current length of the metro lines that are being constructed will become twice the length of those who were built between the years 1970-2015.

The global railway activity by 2050 will be 2.7 times higher than the current activity rates.

The report added that: “Growth is strongest in India and Southeast Asia, which see more than seven-fold growth in passenger movements on urban rail, albeit from a low baseline. In the three countries with the highest urban rail activity today, activity increases by more than threefold in China, 25% in Japan and 45% in the European Union.”

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