Very soon, just carry e-versions of any vehicle papers

worried about carrying your papers always in your vehicle, Not anymore. The central government is making efforts to change the Motor vehicles rules making it compulsory for authorities to accept the digital version of all vehicle documents including insurance and pollution documents.

The road transport ministry will soon issue an advisory on the matter in the next couple of days. which also proposes to carry construction material in a “closed container” or a “closed body,” material like soil, sand cement etc.


In the same manner, it is instructed to cargo vehicles to carry goods in open bodies and shall be covered with a cover like plastic or tarpaulin material.

“These steps are taken considering all developed countries carry construction materials in a closed container to avoid scattering here and there and also to prevent environmental pollution,” said transport ministry official.

another good news from this department include

The old vehicle would require to undergo fitness test once in two years instead of annual test. This norm will apply to eight-year-old vehicles. In case of much older vehicles, the same annual test will continue.




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