What The Shape Of Your Lips Says About Your Personality
Do you know that your lips, or rather your lip print, can unveil lots of fascinating things about who you are, what you want, and what you need — much like the shape of your nail, color of your eye, or the way you sleep at night. Yes, according to Lip reading experts, Lips can reveal a lot about the personality of the people. Lipsology is the practice of analyzing the characteristics of a person’s lips in order to discern their personality.
They are many shapes of the lips and each shape had a different way of taking. “The most important thing your lips speak to is, what you’re like in relationships and how giving you are,” says Jean Haner, an expert in face reading. If you’re curious what your lips say about you, take a look at the list below.
1. Thin Lips
Is your mouth small, and your lips thin and defined?
Then you’re measured and selective, and you go for quality over quantity. Some senses are much more important to you than others, and you tend to neglect the rest. You like things to be done properly. Your tastes push you to extremes; when you’re into something you need to know everything there is to know about it!
For those who have thin lips and a small mouth, deep connections are not always a top priority. They can be content as loners and are not as comfortable in relationships. Lasting love is possible – but it could take some extra effort and patience to get there.
2. Thick Lips
You often fall in love and less likely to act rationally. You’re straight forward and won’t hide your desire.
3. Full Lips
Is your mouth on the generous size, with thick, full lips?
Then you are open and fulfilled. You use your experiences, try new things and share them with others. You are an empathetic individual who values your relationships. Giving and receiving is important to you. You radiate confidence and this makes you devastatingly attractive to men. You love the pleasures in life and seek maximum thrills in bed.
4. Wide Lips
Women with wide-stretched lips like are lively and have a large circle of friends with many different interests. As a perfectionist, you are very successful and talented, and you like to determine your own fate.
5. Round Lips
People with button-shaped lips are interested in exploration and a little bit rebellious and flirtatious. People are naturally drawn to you because of your “vivacious charm mixed with your risque fashion sense. You glow with bright charisma.
6. Heart-Shaped Lips/Bow-shaped Lips
Bow-shaped lips have a peaked cupid’s bow. People with cute heart-shaped lips are independent, seductive and expressive. You are the essence of glamour and elegance. Heart shapes are expressive in voicing opinions. You aren’t afraid to grab life by the horns and take charge of You are creative and quick-minded. These romantic lips speak of exuberance and vigor.
7. Thick upper lip, thin lower lip
That means you’re someone who loves to create drama in relationships. You’re a giving person and you’re concerned about the other person’s needs in the relationship as well as your own.
8. Thin upper lip, thick lower lip
You’re someone who wants to be pampered. You can also be a pleasure seeker. You look like a cool person, but actually, you have a strong desire for love. Once you fall in love, it’s likely hard for you to get back up again. The upside to this altered lip shape is that you’re also someone who really wants to enjoy life.
9. Goldilocks Lips:
Like the fairy tale, these symmetric lips are “just right.” Your lips aren’t thick or thin, but medium-size, and your cupid’s bow doesn’t have super-defined peaks, nor does it lack definition. If you have lips like this, it means you’re pretty even-keeled in relationships. You’ll do just fine and won’t go overboard when it comes to drama or giving too much. You’re not needy or clingy, but you do crave a sense of connection in relationships.