Heartbreaking Video Shows Woman Abandoning Disabled Dog On The Streets Of Portugal

A heartbreaking video is now viral on social media, and it shows a woman in a car stopping by a street to abandon a disabled pooch.

The incident was reportedly captured by a surveillance camera of a bus company in the Cristo Rei neighborhood of Portugal, and it shows a woman in a white car, stopping to abandon a pooch.

The dog that she abandoned did not have 2 of its front paws.

The woman stops at the Concordia street, taking out 2 puppies from the backseat of her vehicle.

She let one of the dogs back inside the vehicle, abandoning the poor disabled one.

The dog tried to get back inside the vehicle, but the woman pushed it out and drove away.

The video was first shared by Ana Paula Scherer, and it currently has over 12 million views.

According to local news media, the woman in the video is the wife of a mechanic who works at the bus station, near where the dog was abandoned.

The disabled pooch was found by a kind man, who dropped it off at the Municipal Department of Animal Protection.

The dog is reportedly in a stable condition.

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