Heartless Farmer Blasts Family Dog In Face With Shotgun After It Got On His Field
A heartless farmer blasted a family dog in the face with a shotgun after it got onto his field.
A 40-year-old Kerri Malley, the owner of the dog, was walking Benji, the dog, near a sheep field when he bolted away from her.
The 3-year-old dog ran off when it got a shock after it touched an electric fence.
The incident happened on November 13, 2020.
Kerri found the dog 10 minutes later, but the poor pooch had been shot in the face by the farmer.
The incident happened in Sandbach, Cheshire.
The police launched an investigation into the incident, which made led them to find out that the dog was attacking a sheep.
Kerri, a mother of 3 kids, said that she entered the field waving her arms to attract the farmer, who was standing by his car.
When asked if he had seen her pet, Kerri said that the man smiled and said “Yes, I’ve shot it, help yourself, it’s in the back.”
She saw Benji inside the trailer.
The poor dog was barely breathing.
The woman rushed the dog to the vets and died just minutes after they arrived.
Kerri, who works as a director at a car credit firm, talked about the incident.
She said:
My Benji was lying there, having been shot in the face. I fell to my knees in complete shock of what I was witnessing. I went to remove Benji’s collar and couldn’t believe he was still breathing. His eyes were still open and he was losing a lot of blood. We raced out the field with him in my husband’s arms and took him straight to the vets. The vets did everything in their power to save him but the damage done by the shotgun made that impossible for them. I find it incredibly hard to stomach that a burly farmer such as this had him within reach to kick, but not to grab him and place him in the back of the Land Rover. I think there needs to be a greater awareness to dog owners of the implications when choosing to let your dog off its lead. I am not condoning sheep worrying and its lack of importance, but there has to be a more humane way to deal with it in this day and age, so innocent family pets are not killed unnecessarily.
The woman said that her dog did not touch the flock of sheep in the field.
One sheep was in a muddy pond when she arrived, however, it managed to free itself.
The spokesperson of the Cheshire Constabulary released a statement about the incident.
The statement reads:
Officers received a report was received at around 2.30pm on Friday 13 November in the Sandbach area, a farmer had found a dog attacking a sheep. The farmer, unable to contain the dog and in order to protect the livestock, shot the dog in accordance with the Animals Act 1971 which resulted in the dog’s death. The farmer immediately informed the police, officers carried out an investigation and found that no criminal offences had taken place. The owners of the dog have been informed. During the course of the investigation, further reports of malicious communications were made and enquiries are ongoing.
Rest in peace Beji.