Massive 30ft Snake Dies Trying To Escape Massive Forest Fire In Indonesia
A carcass of a massive 30ft snake was discovered by local residents in Indonesia, amidst the raging forest fires in the country.
Ular Piton Panjang 10 Meter Terpanggang Akibat Terbakar Lahan14 September 2019Ular piton besar dan panjang sekitar 10…
Posted by CAN Borneo on Saturday, 14 September 2019
According to reports, forest fire has been ravaging in a number of parts in Indonesia.
The CAN Borneo, a conservation group, posted a video on social media and showed people dragging dead snakes out of the burnt forest in Baamang Tengah, in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Wildlife not have time when fire come. Some of them can fly and run faster will survive, but how about wildlife like this ? Can they run more faster then fire ?
Posted by CAN Borneo on Sunday, 15 September 2019
The massive fire in Indonesia has reportedly damaged over 800,000 acres of agricultural land.
Most of the affected lands in the fire are owned by farmers.
Local news authorities report that farmers started the fire while they were trying to make room for new crops.
The hotter and dry summer of this year made the fire more devastating, which caused more damage.
In a report that was published by CNN, it stated that the authorities in Indonesia have arrested over 180 people so far, for being connected with the fire.
4 companies are currently under investigation, as officials believe they were involved in the fire.